Vendetta Online Gameplay

Vendetta Online shipped as a commercial MMORPG on November 1, 2004 with a subscription-based business model, although it has been running continuously since April 2002. Vendetta Online is available to play across a wide array of platforms, allowing all users to directly interact in a single, contiguous galaxy. FAQ - Frequently asked questions and answers on the game. Glossary - Common Words, used by Vendetta players. Rules - The rules of Vendetta. IRC - Where we are in IRC, and how to use the Vendetta relay bot. Factions - Information about the different factions and nations. Backstory - Vendetta Online's story on how we got here. Easter Eggs - Easter eggs that exist in Vendetta Online.

A 'mission' is a generic term for work offered by a station, as well as a few other interactive tasks. Trade missions can be found at nearly every station - one of the trading guilds with offices at the local station may have cargo that needs to be delivered or retrieved. Your nation may offer you combat practice missions, where you'll be asked to kill rogue AI bots in the station's vicinity. Border patrol missions, spy missions, prospecting missions, and a number of other mission types are available depending on the station, your license levels, and your faction standing. Also, some missions will be available to groups of players that single players don't have access to.

Vendetta Online Gameplay

Vendetta Online Gameplay Season

In addition to these job postings, you'll also find tutorials and license tests listed with the missions.

Most missions will give you some sort of reward. Often this will be monetary, but you will also earn more skill points when participating in missions than you would otherwise, and sometimes you can earn special rewards or medals.

Vendetta Online Ships

More information on interacting with missions is available at the Mission Interface page.