Sophos Oxford

Free sophos home antivirus download includes a 30 day trial of Sophos Home Premium, with ransomware security, advanced phishing protection and more. Sophos Ltd comprises the global headquarters and UK subsidiary of the Sophos group. Located near Oxford, it houses one of our worldwide network of threat analysis centers, SophosLabs. The Sophos training center is also situated on this site.

  1. Sophos University Of Oxford
  2. Oxford Mail Sophos
Sophos oxford address

Imagine a security solution so powerful that it extends your reach not just around the world, but across the universe. When astrophysicists at the University of Oxford wanted to create a secure network of remote observatories to research black holes in deepest space, Sophos UTM helped them do it.

Sophos Oxford

Sophos University Of Oxford


With Sophos Unified Threat Management (UTM) and Remote Ethernet Device (RED) appliances, the university has been able to securely connect and exchange information with four observatories around the world as part of the Global Jet Watch project, allowing continuous 24-hour astronomical observation in darkness.

“Sophos has been instrumental in helping us move forward with our research into the behavior of black holes,” said Professor Katherine Blundell of the University of Oxford’s Astrophysics Department. “Using a telescope like the Hubble was out of the question, but creating an international network of observatories was also proving difficult, as there just wasn’t the money or IT expertise available to manage a complex security solution in each location.”

The Sophos UTM appliance, in conjunction with Sophos RED boxes located at each remote observatory, allows the University of Oxford to quickly and easily build a secure international network without the need for local IT expertise. Microsoft hd webcam for mac. So an IT person in Oxford can remotely manage and fix problems with the network as they occur at the observatories in India, Chile, Australia and South Africa.


Oxford Mail Sophos

Whether you’re connecting offices across thousands of miles, or just on the other side of town, Sophos UTM protects them. And Sophos UTM does it simply, so you can spend your time doing whatever it is you do. Even if it’s looking into outer space.