DevCleaner For Xcode

It's easy to run out of disk space when you are doing iOS development on your Mac, especially if your Mac has only 128GB of storage.

Im sure you've all heard of it but devCleaner is kinda amazing, not gonna lie. It cleans all your cache files automatically and for anyone who needs space, and doesn't want to manually clean every time its the best (although there could be something better, tell me if there is something better, you never know) anyway, I just hope nobody is missing the experience of cache cleaning. In a nutshell, if you are a developer who uses Xcode on a daily basis, and you find that your hard drive has less and less free disk space without an apparent reason, you may want to give.

Ever gotten this warning when you want to update Xcode? I hope not! 😱

We will discuss what causes your mac storage to be filled quickly and what you can do to solve them in this article.
TL;DR Jump to DevCleaner app

iOS Simulators

Usually the main culprit taking up space will be the iOS Simulators. As you download newer version of iOS Simulator incrementally (iOS 10, 11 , then 12), the space add up as the old simulators file still remain.

The Simulator files are usually located in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/.

Open Finder, press Command + Shift + G , paste in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/ and press Enter. You should see multiple folder containing different iOS version of simulators. You can delete unused older version of simulator here. These files can take up to dozens of GBs, be sure to check these every time a new iOS version is introduced.

You can also delete old simulator by running this command in the terminal : xcrun simctl delete unavailable .

App Archive

The second culprit will be App Archives. These are created every time you archive an app, these can build up slowly as you archive different version of your apps.

To delete these archive data in Xcode, select Window > Organizer > Archives from top menu. Then press delete to remove them.

App archives can take up significant space if your app is large in size, a rough calculation would be taking your app size and multiply it by the number of time you have archived.

Derived data

Last but not least, derived data can take up significant space too. Derived data is generated during each app build process. Derived data contains intermediate build results, generated indexes, that help speed up build time.

You can think of derived data as cached data/image in web browser, most of the time web browser will auto-save the data/image into your hard disk when you first browse a web page, and the next time you visit the same web page, the pageload speed is faster as web browser will use the cached data /image in hard disk.

Similar to iOS Simulator, derived data is located in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData , you can safely delete them. To delete derived data of the current open Xcode project, you can hold alt, click Product > Clean Build Folder.

DevCleaner ⚡️

It can be a hassle to clean up simulators, archive data and derived data manually once in a while.

Fortunately, there's a free Mac app by Konrad which can handle these at ease.

Dev Cleaner allow us to select which data to remove easily :

App devcleaner for xcode

I have been using DevCleaner for a while and really like its simplicity, kudos to Konran for making this app.

Question or issue on macOS:

I’m using the Mac OS to install the XCode10.1.

I have 18.43GB free disk space in the mac,

but when I click the install button on the Xcode from the app store,

it’s always show the “Not enough storage disk space, you can’t install the product” alert message.

How to fix the problem in the MacOS Mojave(10.14.1)?

Thank you very much.

How to solve this problem?

Solution no. 1:

What you can also do is manually download Xcode and install it.
(Without using the app store update)
Therefor do the following steps:

  1. go to
  2. search for Xcode (or latest version e.g Xcode 10.2) and manually download and install it.

See also this post here:

Solution no. 2:

Check the “purgeable” space of your APFS disk with Disk Utilities..
It seems Finder count this space in free space, but not App Store..

But you can trick macOS to clean up APFS by creating a huge garbage file, then deleting it.

To create the file I used the command:

letting dd run for about 30 seconds, then killing it with ctrl+c, and deleting the file:

Then App Store happily installed update..

Solution no. 3:

  1. Open finder: in menu above go to -> Go to folder:


  2. Delete old simulator files on:

    ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/

  3. Delete all files derived data on:


An easy way to accomplish these is by using DevCleaner for Xcode:

Solution no. 4:

I had 52 GB available (39 GB purgeable), but the stupid Mac App Store in macOS 10.14.4 still said it had not enough free space to complete my purchase of Xcode 10.2, even after a restart. Solution:

  • Quit the Mac App Store.
  • Delete directory ~/Library/Caches/storedownloadd
  • Relaunch Mac App Store.
DevCleaner For XcodeFor

My Xcode “purchase” then worked on the first try.

For the curious: At the time I deleted that directory, it did not contain any app downloads. It only contained a tiny (85 KB) SQLite database (.db, -shm and -wal files), which in turn contained four SQLite tables, three of which had zero rows and one of which had only one row and one column containing the schema version number! So this is apparently some weird bug in Mac App Store.

Solution no. 5:

Trying to update to xcode 11.3.1 today, was in the problem like this. However, I can confirm that the download starts right after free space reaches 24GB as per some of the comments above.

I did the following:
– remove ~/Library/Caches/storedownloadd
– remove ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/
– remove some files inside ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
– remove other unused files

Solution no. 6:

the problem with time machine!
please remove old snapshoots


Solution no. 7:

I had the same problem (also a 120gb ssd), but 18gb is still not enough to install Xcode.

See this post:

Solution no. 8:

The same here for Xcode 11.2.
It is mandatory to have at least 28GB free.

removing different directories such us, caches, .eclipse, .julia directories to free up.

UPDATE: 24GB with lastest version: 11.2.1

Solution no. 9:

Adwcleaner For Xcode Free

  1. Quit App Store
  2. Delete both storedownloadd and storeassetd from ~/Library/Caches/
  3. Relaunch App Store
  4. Try again

The above steps resolved the issue for me.

Adwcleaner For Xcode Windows 10

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports)

macOS Mojave
Version 10.14.6 (18G87)


Devcleaner For Xcode Download

Solution no. 10:

Adwcleaner For Xcode Editor

this command works perfectly, it removed AFPS snapshots

Got the reference from this forum

Adwcleaner For Xcode Download

Hope this helps!